Girl sitting on a surfboard during sunrise

Stressful situations have become a part of everyday life. Whether it's your to-do list, the screaming kids, barking dog, a work colleague pushing your buttons or the constant stream of negative news in the media. Although it feels as if we can't escape the negative situations and stresses in our physical world, there are quick and simple ways to press pause and regain the calm and emotions our minds need to live healthier lives. 

FIRSTLY. what is stress?

lady with pen in hand at desk


Stress is a natural reaction to our physical world, it is what kept our ancestors alive thousands of years ago when confronted by a life threatening situation, such as a lion or predator. Our bodies reacted in a physiological response called the flight or fight response. This response activates the sympathetic nervous system which produces hormones such as adrenaline & cortisol. This chain of reactions increases the heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate, allowing us to fight the threat or run and escape. 

What was once a very adaptive mechanism of the body to survive has become maladaptive in today's society. When we stress out about news in the media or think about the rent that is due, we have the same physiological reaction and turn on the same stress responses as if we were being chased by a lion. This response is produced by our thoughts and perceptions, giving our bodies a rush of energy.  If we keep turning on this flight or fight mechanism all day everyday, this can lead to long term negative effects and health problems. 

Here are 5 quick and simple ways to improve our emotions to stressful situations 


 ONE. start moving  

active girl drinking from bottle

Have you ever noticed after a gazel has escaped a lion, or when your dog is so excited after you get home, they shake their entire body? This “shaking it off” releases energy and tension from the body and is a great way to reduce tension and return the body to homeostasis.

If you feel uncomfortable “shaking it off” around others, try going for a walk, get some fresh air or do some light stretches. 


TWO. just breathe

phone with word breath on the screan

Conscious breathing is a very simple way to help reduce the heart rate and create mind-body coherence. There are many techniques of breath work to reduce stress. Below is one very easy technique. 

  1. Get comfortable 
  2. Breathe in through your nose for 5 seconds , let your belly fill with air.
  3. Breathe out through your nose for 5 seconds 
  4. Replete this 6 times. 

If you want to enhance this technique, close your eyes and focus on where your heart is in the body. Try and feel a happy emotion, whether it be gratitude for life or the hug you got from a family member earlier in the day. 

When we slow down our breath our bodies feel as though we are not in a life threatening situation (we are not going to be breathing slowly when a lion is about to chase us) and this allows us to use energy for healing instead of being in a state of survival. 

Here is another breathing technique to reduce the heart rate :

  1. Get comfortable 
  2. Breathe in through your nose slowly, letting your belly fill with air.
  3. Make your lips into a small circle and slowly breathe out as if you're blowing into a straw.  
  4. Replete this 6 times. 

THREE. practising gratitude

Girl sitting near water practicing gratitude

It feels impossible sometimes to practise gratitude and think positively when you feel as though the world around you is crumbling. Global warming, covid 19, poverty, higher cost of living. Throughout history there have always been difficult times and there always will be. It is our perception of these difficult situations that make us resilient. 

When you can find beauty in even the most difficult situations, that is what leads us to true freedom. Next time you're in a stressful situation and you find yourself thinking about the worst possible outcome. Try pausing, taking a step back and think about 3 things you love about your life or the situation you're in. There is always something to be grateful for.


FOUR. meditate

 Girl meditating

Meditating is an ancient technique used to encourage a heightened state of mind-body awareness & focus attention. During meditation, you eliminate the immense stream of thoughts that crowd your mind causing stress, it can produce a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind. Just 10 minutes a day can produce significant results.

There are many ways to meditate, below is an easy technique to try. 

Its simple, find a comfortable spot and sit or lay down. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Slowly breath in and out through your nose, if your mind starts to wonder (about checking your phone, your to -do list etc) just slowly bring your attention back to your breath. If you are new to mediating, your body is going resist and your mind will wonder. Just stick to it and keep bringing your attention back to your breath, each time you do this its a win! 


FIVE. talk to someone

    Two people with hands on a table talking

    When we verbally express our emotions with a trusted friend or family member we move away from limbic reactivity by activating parts of the brain that deal with language and meaning, we become less reactive and more mindful.  So just talking to someone will help. 

    if you live in Australia and don't have anyone close to talk to, contact the numbers below to have a chat with someone. 


    FriendLine supports anyone who's feeling lonely, needs to reconnect or just wants a chat. You can call them 7 days a week on 1800 424 287, or chat online with a volunteer. All conversations with FriendLine are anonymous.

    Lifeline provides 24-hour crisis counselling, Call 13 11 14, text on 0477 13 11 14 (12pm to midnight AEST) or chat online.


    Let us know in the comments below what helps you deal with stress in your life. 


    Memory Lane the Label 


    October 31, 2021 — Laura Belien

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